Helen Blackwell Summer 2018 In England

Helen Blackwell like going to England to see her half sisters.

I also like the weather since its not hot like in Thailand and food is great. In particular I love English roast beef with Yorkshire puddings. Yorkshire pudding is a type of bun and no roast dinner is compete without it. In fact I can just eat Yorkshire pudding and gravy its really yummy. We flew emirates which I like because you have a great entertainment system and also WiFi. So I can play my favorite games on Ro0blox to make journey go quickly. This time we only went for 3 weeks so did not have time to see my eldest sister who lives in Scotland but she fly down and stayed with us for 5 days with my niece Nell.

Nell is 8 years old and I like her a lot but she can be a bit annoying always asking me to play. We went to cheddar where original cheddar cheese came from and visited factory which had lots of different types of cheddar. We were their as few years ago and on way passed the place we stayed at before. I remembered the goats and lamas and we stopped to see if they were still there. They were and I fed them their favorite leaves from a nearby tree. Their names were molly, holly and ben and I like to think they remembered me. We also visited seaside several times but unlike Thailand even in summer its very cold.

Still its fun building sand castles and paddling in water. We had traditional fish and chips on beach. I managed to get 2 ice skating sessions in at Cardiff and at Basingstoke Ice Arena to try and keep in practice for next tournament. During trip we also visited my dads friends in Wales and he saw several other friends. One of best parts was going to a Circus and playing in a country stream with my other sisters kids Lucy and Henry. Lucy is same age as me and we shared a room when they visited us at our holiday home. And of ocurse we had loads of roast beef dinners. It was a great holiday.